We hate wordy legal blurb as much as the next person, so we’ve tried to summarise the most important bits for you here. You can still read them in all their glory as longer reads. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Pin Drop is free to use. You can unlock more features and functionality if you want with a subscription (see below).
You don’t need to register to use the Pin Drop mobile app. If you want to backup your data or make use of social features you'll need to create a free account.
Our subscription plans are totally optional. You can cancel subscriptionsat any time and continue to use the free version of Pin Drop at no cost. Subscriptions o added features and functionality to super-charge your maps. You can compare features for each plan n the Pin Drop app.
We request you to share your location on the app to help you navigate, search for places and order your content correctly by distance.
We don’t use, sell or share your data with anyone. Your data is yours and always will be. You can easily delete your data and/or account through the app.